Sanskrit - Proto-Nostratic Language


The Sanskrit language

All European historians in West and East until the nineteenth century wrote about Hungarians as descendants of Huns and Scythians. This changed after the second half of the XIX-th century, when – after the lost revolution of 1848 against the rule of the Habsburgs – the Hungarian Scientific Academy became politically dependent from Vienna. In questions about Linguistics and History became anti-Hungarian and remained for the following 3-4 generations until today. Because the Scientific Academy became independent from the actual government just before the communistic regime ended (20 years ago) and a change in its leadership and anti-Hungarian attitude could not happened jet by the now democratic regime. I think, we need at least one more generation, before our Scientific Academy will finally support scientific and not the anti-Hungarian (never proved) theses, made in linguistics 150 years ago. It has been then not a scientific, but a political decision.

Let us see some word-pairs of the only scarcely two hundred Finn-Ugric examples:

Finnpääfej (head)
Vogulpunfon (spin, weave)
Osztyákpirfar (rump, bottom)
Cheremisspufa (tree, wood)1

Comparing these word pairs with that of the previous Latin and Old-Greek examples we can immediately see that the relations of Finno-Ugric word-pairs are much more remote, more distorted then the Latin or Old-Greek. This kind of relation is acceptable if knowing that the Skythian-Sabirian people – ruled Eurasia from China to Carpathian basin and from Caucasian to Siberia for over two thousand years – after they left Mesopotamia to the north. These Scythian-Sabirian people were good invincible fighters, built cities, went out to the prairie, were very good in metallurgy (see the beautiful gold, bronze and iron masterpieces entombed from countless Kurgans) and ruled the silk- and amber-roads. They brought metallic merchandise to East – North (Sabirian–Siberia) and brought amber and fur to Mediterranean coast (think of Savaria in West-Hungary). They were hiding their valuables on their way in bulwarks (which they called becs <bɛch>, thus we call Vienna = Bécs since then and hold our valuables in “becs”). These Scythian-Sabirian -Hungarian people – managing cupper, bronze and iron-Age in Eurasia – were meeting regularly several little folks in North-East of Eurasia (living still at Stone-Age level) along the Ural mountain and changed their products with them. (Vogul folk-tales tell still stories about them).

This above explains how the scarce language-relation of Hungarian with Finno-Ugric people developed. (There is more relation to the Japanese (by the Huns), to the Tamils in India and Sri Lankan, Etruscan2, Old Greek (over two thousand words + grammar), Old Hebrew (over 500 words), Old Egyptian (can directly be read)3. …

Do not forget the TAMANA phenomenon: over seven thousand location names can be found all over the world and every of them occur in the Carpathian Basin as location or family-name.4 These points to a common language on the World before the last great catastrophic event and to the fact that mostly people living on high altitudes could have survive it and they kept those old names until now, because the “modern culture” didn’t reach them until recently.

The Scythian-Partus Emporium ruling Middle East until the second century AD was withstanding the Roman Emporium for 400 years. The three Scythian-Mede magicians came from this Partus emporium, to visit Jesus shortly after his birth.(Now, we call them 3 kings.)

However, not only the etymology of the Hungarian language went wrong in nineteenth century; its pushing onto a tail-track was just part of an overall historical-linguistically manoeuvre. The awakening and strengthening Aryan attitude made to its goal to prove that the IE languages are deeply related to Sanskrit language. Only this could build the base of a large and cultivated Past, on which they could build their supremacy ideology. This was not possible, if they had to share this relation with the Hungarians.

Nobody can say that they didn’t know about it. Körösi Csoma Sándor,5 a Hungarian linguist speaking 17 languages, wrote to the Austrian delegation in London 1832:

“… when some day, the Hungarian linguists will learn more about the Sanskrit literature, they will wonder how deep is the relation between this old language and our mother tongue. Many left Hungarian relics can be found here, which we can’t find anywhere else ….”

He presents some examples: lánka (lányka): (little lady), szoba (chamber), béka (frog), sabla (sable), pataka >patak (rivulet), pata (hoof).

Her writes somewhere else: “The Sanskrit does not maintain that close relation with any other languages as with Hungarian/…/ as much it differs from every East-European languages so much the more can be proven its relation with Hungarian.” 6

His contemporary Torrens wrote that Körösi told especially about the Sanskrit location-names and stated that Hungary’s all location-names can be found in Bengali: Barna, Kálna, Kókai, Tura, Tisza, and Buda. … (Think about Tamana Phenomenon from above).

These all happened around 1830. But at 1860, the Hungarian Scientific Academy wrote officially: “This question can only be answered trough comparison using the method of linguistics. Namely, if somebody compares Hungarian with Aryan languages like Helen, Latin, German and Slave, for example, will find not much relation neither after comparing it with their archaic mother-tribe, the old Sanskrit.”

Czuczor Gergely however, presented 1862 in his dictionary a huge group of examples for the Hungarian-Sanskrit relationship. Reading the samples on the next page we will see that the IE languages became introduced with Sanskrit first through Hungarian. This is like somebody marries into a better family. How good this family is? They introduced the Finno-Ugric theory for the Hungarians and closed them out of the Sanskrit family, as part of their manoeuvre.

agh agg, aggódik (very old, worrying about sg.)           av ó!, óh, óh-ajt, ah (desire)(ó=av identity just in Hungarian like hó-hav, tó-tav)

arv arat, ort, irt  (harvest, eradicate) Latin: aro

szagh szeg, szak, szakad, szakaszt, szakócza, szekercze (nail, clet)

Latin: seco, secula; Slav: szekat;

szí, sziv szöv, sző, szövet, söv, sövény, szőnyeg; (reversed: ösz, öszve;                     (wave, textil, hedge, carpet)                                         Latin: suo;       Slav: schijem;

dú, dús dú-s (as dúlt), dú-l, dú-ló    (ravage, ravaging)

dar, dár dár-da, tör, törés, tördel      (lance, breaks) Latin: tero

dhars durcz, durczás, dérdúr         (sulky)   

tasz tasz, taszít, toszogál, tuszkol (repulse, thrust)

tap tap-ló, tapad,  (tinder, sticks)                                         Latin: tepeo, tepor;  Slav: teplo

ar, ár ér, elér; (reach)

ris rés, riszál, reszel; (rift, sway, rasp)               German: reissen, ritz

rad rág, (chew)                                         Latin: rodo

rud reversed: ord-ít  (shout)

ráds ragy, ragya, ragyog  (pock-mark, radiates)

raph, riph rab, rabol, rif, rifol, rib, ribál, ribancz, rap, rapancz  (captive, robbing, bitch)

                                      Latin: rapio, privo,  German: rauben

li lé, leves, lics-locs, reversed: ol, olv, olvad;  (juice, soup, melts)

                                     Latin: luo;           Slav: lejem

lábh lób, lóbál, lob, lobog, lód, lódit, lobda, labda;          Latin: libro

      (swing, inflammation, wave, toss, ball)

laip láb, lép, lab, lábad; (foot, step, tears come into one’s eyes)German: lauf

szu or szú us, suh, suhan, suhít, sugár, suhancz (slip along, swish, ray, youngster)

div dívik (fashion)

pat hat (affect)

till száll;  (fly) Hellenic: τελλω (tello)

tul tol; (push) Hellenic:  τoλλo (tollo) (toll=tol)

çákh csák, csákó (shako)   

csap csáp, csap (feeler, strike)

karp csorb-a, (notched) Latin: carpo

agnisz ég (birn, skay) Latin: ignis

jam gyám, gyámolít (guardian, support)

khjá kajá-lt, kiá-lt, kia-bál (shout)

tup tap, top, tapod, toppant, dobál  (step on, stump, throw)

tar tör, dar, darál (brake, grind)

it idő, út, jut (time, way, come to)    Latin: ito;       Slav: idem

ír ir, iram, iramlik, er, ered (speed, hurry, originate)     Latin: erro

il ill, illan, illeg (evanesce, waddle along) German: eilen

jár, jő   (walk, arrive)

hi, hiu, hiány, hiába (vain, lack, in vain) Latin:  hio, hiatus

garh garád, kör, ker kerit, köröz, korong

      (circle, fence in, circles, disc) Latin: gyro;      German: Garten

kasz kasz, kasza, kaszabol, kés (scythe, slaughter, knife) Slovak: kosza, koszit

kann kon, kong, kondul, (k>h) hang, (ring, sound) Latin: cano, cantus

kut, kud kutyollo, kunyhó (howel, cottage)

kakh kacz, kaczag  (laugh) Latin: cachinnor;     German:  kichern;

kup, kub kup, kupak, kop, koporsó; (cup, coffin) Latin: cupula;      French: cupe

kur kur-jant, kurjogat, kuruttyol (whoop, croak)

kart, karç karc, karcol, kárt, kártol (engrave, card, hackle)

csár, csiri sar, sarol, sarabol, sarló, csiri-csáré, German: scheren    Latin: sarrio, sarculum

                          csitri (= with cut, short hair)

ud, und ondó, ont, omlik, önt (sperm, pour out, moulder)Latin: undo, unda

viç viskó, vityilló  (hovel, shanty)

vart fartat, farol, ferde, fordít Latin:  verto, versus; Slav: wratim

    (draw back, tail skid, tilted, reverse)

val vál, válik, választ (separate, select) German: wählen, wollen    Latin:  volo

vil vál, valag, fél, felez (arse, be affraid, halve) Latin: vello

mas met, metsz, metél, meddő           Latin: meto, mutilo     German: metzeln, Metzger

    (cut, prun, mince, barren)

man mon-d, mondat (say, sentence) Latin:  moneo, mando  German: mahnen

mid med-er, nedv, veder  (river-bed, bucket) Latin:  madeo

mah mag, magas, máglya, nagy (high, bonfire, tall) Latin:  magnus; Old-Greek: megas

mar mar, marcangol, méreg (bite, lacerate, poison) Latin:  mordeo; German: morden

mur marad, maraszt, (remain, ask entreat) Latin:  moror, mora

badh bot, botol, botlik, botoz (stick, stumble, flog) Latin:  batuo; French: batter; Helenic: πατɛω (pateo)

barh, brú ber, berreg, brug, brugattyú (buzz, howling) Latin: barrio; French:  bruis

bah poh, pohos  (paunchy)           Slav: bachor, bachrati    German: Bauch

bhas besz-él, beszéd  (speak, speech) Slav:  beszeda

bhud buj-ik, bújdoklik  (hide, peregrinate)

pasz pász-ma   (staple, cut) Slav:  pasz (öv)

pad pat, pata  (hoof)

pi piti, pityizál, pityók  (tipple, tipsy)

vail, vaill vill-an, billeg, ballag (blink, teeter, walk slowly) 

ap hab (scum, foam) Latin: spuma

tal teli, teljes, tölt, talap (full, whole, fill) Hellenic:  τɛλɛω (teleo)

id idv, idvezel, idnep, innep Hellenic:  αɛλδω, ωδη (aeidé, odé)

kaç kasz and has, hasáb, hasít, hasogat, kasul (keresztül) (billet, split, splitting, lancinnating)

szar zar-ándok (earlier szarándok)  (pilgrim)

ni Hung. (reversed): in-t, intéz, inog, ingat, indul, indít     (wink, manage, sway, start, starting) Latin:  nuo;  German: neigen, nicken

dal gyal-u, in reality toló, gyilk (slice, dagger, stiletto)   Latin: dolo; German:  Dolch 

tan teny, tenyész, ten-ger (breeding, ocean)

ikh üg-et, űz  (trot, hant) Hellenic: ιξω, ειξω (ixo, eixo)

irs, irsi irigy, harag  (envious, anger) Latin:  ira

gardh kér, kérd  (ask, query) Latin:  quaero

Just think about, if the Sanskrit :

kasz = hung. > kasza, kaszabol (scythe, slaughter)

mar = hung. > mar, marcangol, méreg (bite, lacerate, poison)

tasz = hung. > taszít, tuszkol (repulse, thrust)

kamp = hung. = kampó, (hook, croock)

csap = hung. = csap (feeler, strike)

cákh = hung. = csákó (shako)

dív = hung. = dívik (fashion)

val = hung. = vál, válik (separate, select)

kup = hung. = kúp, kupak, koporsó (cup, coffin)

ghar = hung. = garád (staircase)

kur = hung. = kujant, kuruttyol (whoop, croak)

laip = hung. = lép, láb (step, foot)

dar = hung. = dárda (lance)

tap = hung. = tapló, tapad (tinder, sticks)

vil = hung. = váll (shoulder)

dús = hung. = dús (opulent)

il = hung. = ill (evanesce)

tar = hung. = tör (break)

And so forth. One is certain; there is no reason for a strong denial of the Sanskrit-Hungarian relationship. The readers can quietly eradicate this 19th Century’s common fallacy.

Naturally, a mistake happened then but even the Hungarian Academy accepted the false statements and the Hungarian language were “separated” from Sanskrit as well and pushed to the North.

But it is worth to look again at the following Sanskrit words:

Sanskrit = Hung.

val = vál, vál-ik, vál-aszt (separates, choose)

vil = vál, valag, fele-ez (halve)

vail, vaill = villan, billeg, ballag (flash, wobble, walk slowly)

mal, mall = máll- aszt (cause to crumble)

The val, vál, vil, vaill, mal, and mall are one word differently pronounced. (See in chapter: Littering of roots by pronunciation.) However, the doubling at the root’s end, like here: mall, máll, vill is an ancient Hungarian language-development. For example: in case of szél (wind) is: szell (the wind is blowing): szellő (slightly blowing wind), szellem (spirit, ghost), szellent (toot), ( or malaszt (divine grace, is a noun) but llik (it becomes friable, is a verb). See for this the chapter “LL-RR.” This is one of the very old attributes of the Hungarian language. We often even don’t know anymore, what the original form looked like. For example: we pronounce the original (before doubling) form of kell (needed) today as kér (ask for). And this r > kérl became following r-l assimilation kell. But the form rl will still be used as rlel (plead).

We see that the common ll-rr doubling at the root’s end has already been used before the Sanskrit language’s path separated from its ancient proto-language. Therefore, the Hungarian and Sanskrit are two variants of the same proto-language. The Sanskrit however, has been reordered at one time, thus we can say that Hungarian retained the proto-language in a better state of preservation.8

Shortly after Körösi Csoma Sándor wrote his letter from Calcutta (1833) about the Hungarian-Sanskrit relations – not even waiting for his explanations – people attacked his thesis based on the theory of Rask Rasmus, proclaiming that “there were not any relations possible, because their number-names are different.” Körösi died soon after, his papers came into the closed safe of the Academy and our language is still not permitted to be compared with any other languages not belonging to the Finno-Ugric language-group by any Hungarian linguist, who wants to keep his position as a teacher.

Even, after we know for a long time, that Rask Rasmus was not a good linguist and the number-names are not necessarily identical in the Finno-Ugric group, our children learn still wrong theses about our language. Our words however, tell a different story to everybody, who learned, how to examine properly vocabularies of agglutinating languages.

1 In Hungarian and in no other languages people say: fázom (I feel cold), fázik (he feels cold). Fa = wood; fázik = means really = he is looking for wood, dealing with wood in order to make warm and we say this for many-many thousands of years. (Other examples: eszik: he eats, fürdik: he takes a bath …)

2 Alinei, Mario: Etrusco: una forma arcaica di ungherese, Il Mulino, Bologna (2003)

3 Borbla, János: Introduction to the Hungarian Interpretation of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs

4 See ’TAMANA’ phenomenon on the internet.

5 Sándor Csoma de Kőrös was a Hungarian philologist and Orientalist, author of the first Tibetan-English dictionary and grammar book. He set off to Asia in 1820 and spent his lifetime also studying the Tibetan language and Buddhist philosophy. Csoma de Kőrös is considered as the founder of Tibetology. He was said to have been able to read in seventeen languages. He died in Darjeeling while attempting to make a trip to Lhasa in 1842.

6 Körösi Csoma Sándor’s work as jet has not being accordingly processed and presented by the Hungarian Scientific Academy and not all of his works are publicly readable in its library. His thesis has not been jet officially accepted by the linguists of the Academy.

7 „Ten” meant „endless, timeless” in archaic time. For this we called ocean ten-ger and God: Ős-ten = Is-ten = Isten = endless – time-less ancestor for many-many thousand years.

8 According to Sanskrit „khjá“. As a child, I remember having heard – in the middle of Somogy county in Hungary – the word kiált (yell) pronounced as “khját”:ne khjatozz mán gyerök!” (don’t yell anymore boy!) Or “no khjách”! and people said for “bújdos” rather “búdos” (hiding) as were told in Sanskrit.
