An etymological comparison of word-samples out of 13 different languages.
1. Introduction
The first part of this book contains introductory and informatory messages. The second part offers etymological comparisons of word-clusters taken from twelve (+1) different languages with their Hungarian counterparts. The third part contains the theoretical foundation and conclusion.
The twelve languages are: English, German, Russian, Ancient-Greek, Etruscan, Latin, Hebrew, Sumerian, Tamil, Mongolian, Bask, Quechua / Aymara. The words being brought to comparison are practically identical with the Hungarian equivalents.
The most important criterion by the collection of the word-clusters was the easy verifiability. I used one dictionary per language (exception Hebrew), which are available in the book-stores, in the libraries, on the Internet or standing on the bookshelves everywhere.
The biggest help for this work was the “Etymological Dictionary of the Hungarian Language” by Czuczor-Fogarasi, published by the Hungarian Scientific Academy 1862.*
*The dictionary by Czuczor-Fogarasi is a marvellous memorial of the Hungarian language. Without knowing its etymological principles, nobody can say that he understands the words in all details. The two authors’ performance in linguistics can only be measured by that of Einstein and Newton in Physics. It differs only by the amount of publicity. The “A magyar nyelv szótára” (The dictionary of the Hunngarian language) is available per Internet from Arcaneum adatbázis.
2. The final conclusion
Should we find that all word-heaps – collected from several different languages and containing mostly different words – independently correspond with different areas of a certain selected language, then we can rightly conclude that this selected language has been the root or the starting-base of all languages of which the word-samples were taken from.
We should call this discovery one of the most important theses of “Historical Linguistics”. This acts like a wrench, there is no way out.
Our previous word-comparisons of twelve languages (together over two thousand Hungarian words and word-building elements) proved our thesis. The word-samples taken from different languages have few common features, but they all can be found in the Hungarian language.
Finally, you find in the appendix the deep-going etymological examination of two archaic word-roots of the “root-language”